Anthologima 2 | Marko Klomp | Landscape Painting

""Anthologima 2: In the sky" ' (2021). Marko Klomp. Oil on Linen. 120 cm x 100cm.
- Contemporary artist: Marko Klomp
- Title Artwork: "Anthologima 2: In the sky"
- Series: Anthologima
- Year: 2021
- Technique: Oil in Linen
- Genre: Landscape
- Size: 100cm x 120cm
- Price: SOLD

Signature "Anthologima 4' (2021). Marko Klomp. Oil on Linen. 120 cm x 100cm.
In the sky.
We are floating in calm motion.
We are conducted to different variations
of landscapes and horizons.
The emptiness in her eyes varies
from escapism to the depth of an earthy downfall.
- Marko Klomp

Art Historian Tascha Sciarone infront of "Anthologima 2' (2021). Marko Klomp. Oil on Linen. 100 cm x 120cm.
Anthologima 2 | Marko Klomp | Landscape Painting
Painting description by Art Historian Laura Caseberry.
This second painting in the series, Antholigima, is a scene of a hot air balloon floating through a naturalistic landscape. In the foreground and lower right, a lush green land stretches out to meet a body of water that gathers in the center and stretches to the distant horizon. From this body of water and from the left rise gray mountains. While the sky in the upper right appears cloudy and gray, a glow also comes in from the right. The light can be seen as a reflection from the water. The piece consists mainly of gray tones combined with the rich, lush green. The artist's use of color emphasizes the distance from foreground to background, and the intense greens bring it out. At the same time, the gradual subdued tones and saturation exaggerate the depth of perspective. In addition, the highly detailed hot air balloon contrasts with the hazy mountains in this distance.
Although the landscape is blurred to some extent, the foreground offers more pronounced lines and shapes than the soft background. Like others in the series, the painting conveys a sense of movement. The balloon seems to travel calmly through this still setting. The artist’s color combinations give the impression of a wide view. As a viewer, we have a perspective over a vast land of mountains, land, and water. Almost as if you were standing high on a hill watching the hot air balloon fly by. While the painting’s weight of composition falls to the left in mountain and land subjects, the balloon provides balance. For a painting that is one meter long, this piece conveys a wide view. In the accompanying poem, the artist evokes ideas about the changing landscapes we encounter in our lives. As we move through life, we shift our gaze to different areas of life and attach importance to other areas.
Anthologima 2' (2021). Marko Klomp. Oil on Linen. 120 cm x 100cm. in the 2022 Exhibition: Perseverance by Art Historian Laura Caseberry.

Gallery Sorelle Sciarone is a contemporary art gallery specialised in colourful and evocative paintings.