Exhibitions 2022
In the midst of the tumultuous year that was 2022, marked by the onset of the war in Ukraine, the exhibitions at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone offered a respite from the chaos of the outside world. Three distinct exhibitions, each showcasing the work of a talented artist, provided viewers with an opportunity to delve into the realms of art and contemplation.
Adéle du Plessis's "The Forms of Everyday Life: Material & Abstraction" was the first solo show to be held at the gallery's new location in Gouda. The opening was a few days before the war was announced and a week after The Netherlands emerged from another lockdown. The week after the opening we took most of her artwork to the Affordable Art Fair in Brussels.
We came back and immediately dived into the opening for another artist from Mariella at Domo-Eclectica. Followed by the well recieved opening of Marko Klomp's solo exhibition "Perseverance".
While 2022 may be remembered for the onset of the war in Ukraine, these exhibitions served as a reminder that art has the power to heal, inspire, and connect us to our shared humanity. In the face of adversity, artists like Mathea Boogert, Marko Klomp, and Adéle du Plessis offered us a glimpse into the depth and richness of the human experience, providing solace and meaning in a troubled world. Their exhibitions at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone were a testament to the enduring power of art to transcend the challenges of our times.
Exhibitions from 2022 in overview
Everyday Life's Shapes: Materials and Abstraction
-Adéle du Plessis
Adéle du Plessis's "The Forms of Everyday Life: Material & Abstraction" presented an unique perspective on the ordinary moments that often go unnoticed. Her ability to transform the mundane into something profound was a testament to her artistic prowess. In a world filled with distractions and superficiality, du Plessis's art encouraged us to pause, reflect, and find beauty in the simplicity of everyday life.
- Marko Klomp
Marko Klomp's "Perseverance" exhibition resonated deeply with the collective emotions of a world emerging from lockdowns and loss. His soft-focus paintings and accompanying poetry touched on themes of isolation, endurance, and the search for something new. In a time when many of us felt stuck and disconnected, Klomp's art encouraged us to persevere, to endure, and to hope for a brighter future.
An Interpretation of Life
-Mathea Boogert
"An Interpretation of Life" by Mathea Boogert was a captivating exploration of the artist's shift in perspective and her foray into the Wabi-Sabi series. Boogert's ability to convey the beauty of imperfection through her artwork was a poignant reminder of the profound philosophy behind Wabi-Sabi. As we navigated through her vibrant and contemplative pieces, we were reminded that life itself is a tapestry of fleeting moments, scars, and unexpected beauty.
We had to cancel the rest of the planned exhibitions
Artists moved to other countries, making it impossible to show their art in the gallery. Other artists, disappeared or would rather not have an exhibition in order to keep their lives private. Furthermore, because I was also in the gallery shop, it made it impossible to stay on top of the usual writing, editing and marketing artwork and texts that had made us a succes until now. Being physically in a shop and maintaining it took up more hours than I had to give.

Tascha Sciarone from Gallery Sorelle Sciarone and Mariella van der Net from Domo Eclectica receiving the key for Lange Tiendeweg 68, 2801KK Gouda in October 2021.

Lange Tiendeweg 68, 2901KK Gouda after the renovations in December 2021.
The Gallery Globally over 2022
The Beginning of the End
3 December 2021 was the soft opening of Gallery Sorelle Sciarone and Domo Eclectica. Not 15 days later on 18 December 2021 the Dutch government called for a lockdown. We had sold one artwork by Negar Rashidi. We were poised for smaller artwork for holiday shopping. With an understanding, but heavy heart we closed the art gallery. I am not going to lie I was very depressed the following 6 weeks. I turned 32 in February had a birthday party at the art gallery just as we were allowed to open up again in The Netherlands. The 130m2 exhibition space big enough to keep distance if need be. It was nice, but the fuse box blew and we had to use our phone lights to visit the bathroom.
The first real weekend we were open, the last Saturday of February we sold so much art. We both felt a ton of relief, but it just covered the costs of January and February 2022. We were bleeding. Not worried yet, as we had an art fair to attend in March 2023.
Affordable Art Fair Brussels
We sold nothing at the art fair. The emergency GE Summit to discuss the war in Ukraine with swarms of dignitaries in Brussels really changed the atmosphere. Earlier the day our hotel was full of off duty armed guards for the dignitaries attending the GE Summit. I was constantly torn between empathy for the real struggle of people fleeing war and selfishly seeing my life savings and goals disappearing. A champagne was popped and a cheer rose from somewhere on the opening night. I visually flinched at this act, thinking it was an act of siege, also resigned to dying this way in my hubris to have still attend the art fair. Eight other art galleries left the art fair the next day. We stayed to the very end and came back exhausted, financially drained and demoralised.
By July it was over
In the months previous I had also not been able to do any of the marketing and keeping up with clients, due to the magnitude of cleaning and unsolicited visits of artists demanding, threatening or pleading to be represented by us.
I was unsure if this was impacting our sales, as most of the previous art sales at the gallery came from French or Belgian art collectors
It was decided that after Mathea Boogert's exhibition I would take leave of the art gallery in Gouda. I had become disabled from injuries and chronic stress. I took several steps back from cleaning and being at the gallery more than 60 hours a week, before realising how unsustainable this was a few days prior to her show opening. However the invitations for the exhibition had been sent and promises had been made to see it through. I took August of to recuperate.
Discovery Art Fair Frankfurt
During my time off the grid in France with my family I realised I love the gallery, but as it was before the shop part in Gouda. I need to be flexible to go to art fairs and be able to work on my own time. Not just because of my ADHD that was making me miserable being stuck in the same shop day after day, but also that I love art fairs. I hate, hate having to be somewhere day in and day out. Art Fairs are exciting and difficult, but also over. It's cyclical. Having a shop on top of going to physically intensive work environment was literally ending me.