Exhibitions 2021
In 2021 The Pandemic was still in full swing here in The Netherlands. All shows were planned to be online for the year. There were six shows scheduled for 2021. Every two months, we had an online exclusive solo show for the artists represented by Gallery Sorelle Sciarone.
The year 2021 was marked with uncertainty with intermittent bursts of freedom and possibility. All of the shows were online. However, we were able to visit one art fair in Laren, an open door art fair in September and show a selection of the art and exhibitions here. We were reasonably sure this one would be able to go through. But even this Art Fair was uncertain until four weeks before we would attend. Immediately after the Art Fair, we signed for our new gallery location in October, even though it still had a ton of work that needed to be done with it. The whole space had been gutted, but the owner said they would only continue renovating if we had signed a contract because the renovations planned were to our specifications.
October up until 2 December, we were in the middle of renovating the new gallery space. When we went open on 3 December, the gallery had a selection of 3-5 works of all the artists we had at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone and Domo Eclectica. We decided to have a soft opening due to the looming pandemic lockdowns and keep a varied selection of our artists in our new 160m2 art gallery in Gouda until March 2022. As we had feared 18 December 2021, we had to close our doors per government mandate. It was a tense few weeks, but we are glad that we had no shows planned until we knew the fear of the pandemic would lighten up in springtime. Like it did in 2021.
Here is a chronological summary and links to all the exhibitions of 2021.
Exhibitions from 2021 in overview
Left Behind - a monograph of Landscapes
-Marko Klomp
We kicked 2021 off in January and February Marko Klomp solo show. The depth of winter and Art Historian Wouter Maas wrote a beautiful piece on the twin coin of Freedom and Loneliness by examining Marko's monograph of landscapes.
Rising Relief
- Monique Leliefeld
March and April were when Monique Leliefeld's solo exhibition "Rising Relief" with her abstract paintings was made during a difficult period in her life. Art Historian Tascha Sciarone highlighted Abstract Paintings' power during difficult times.
- Jeanette Olyhoek
We had Jeanette Olyhoek's solo exhibition by Wouter Maas in May and June. "C'est en Plein pour Moi" or Outdoors in English, explored the en plain air paintings made on the Dutch beaches that correlated with the optimism that summer brought during our second tour in this pandemic.
A Visitor's Exhibition
- Gemma Jonker
We had Gemma Jonker's solo exhibition "A Visitor's Exhibition" in July and August, curated by Miracle May. This exhibition threw the concept of an exhibition on its head. Instead of presenting us with a final exhibition, our curator places herself in the viewer's shoes and freely elaborates all that comes to mind when viewing abstract art.
A World Interrupted
- Thea van Doorn
September and October brought us a new artist, Thea van Doorn. Her show '"A World Interrupted: The Visual Intermissions of Thea van Doorn" was curated by Art Historian Paulina Capilla as the optimism of summer gave way to uncertainty in the fall. Paulina explored the concepts of how artists have always been the outlet to grapple with emotions that are often difficult to describe. Visualising allows for a more nuanced expression of often indescribable feelings. Artists can translate moments and emotions into images recognizing the universal sense of apprehension felt during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tascha Sciarone from Gallery Sorelle Sciarone and Mariella van der Net from Domo Eclectica receiving the key for Lange Tiendeweg 68, 2801KK Gouda in October 2021.

Lange Tiendeweg 68, 2901KK Gouda after the renovations in December 2021.
Pivoting in October through December
November and December would have been another new artist at the gallery: Negar Rashidi. However, in September, she had her artistic debut at Art Laren Art Fair. Several of her works sold immediately, and we postponed a solo show until December 2022.
The physical gallery space was then harnessed into an overview exhibition of all the artists represented by Gallery Sorelle Sciarone and Domo Eclectica.

Negar Rashidi's Delft Blue Shell Paintings next to Marko Klomp's oil paintings at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone. Ceramic art by Emma Scheeren - Groot. Overview Exhibition of artists at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone and Domo Eclectica (December 2021 - February 2022).

Negar Rashidi's Delft Blue Shell Paintings in Gallery Sorelle Sciarone. Buck head by Karla Dutterloo, Glass Art by Marry Buiks. Ceramic art by Emma Scheeren - Groot. Overview Exhibition of artists at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone and Domo Eclectica (December 2021 - February 2022).