Els Kampert
Els has been a dedicated sculptor the last fifteen years and most recently started in the worlds with paints with the pouring technique.
Ocean Dusk a detail of an Acrylic Pouring by Els Kampert
What is her style?
Pouring paint over canvas.This is her style in regards to painting, in essence Els is a sculptor. Creating sculpture is a very time consuming and physical activity that needs a lot of fore thought and time.
Ocean Dusk an Acrylic Pouring by Els Kampert
Why is her style special?
At the gallery we talk a lot about Dendritic design, which is the scientific term for how paint (lungs, rivers, lightning) flows. In essence all pouring paintings inherently have this dendritic design. However, it is the combination of this dendritic design and colour understanding that creates Els’s enigmatic pieces, that resonate nature as well as colour. Pouring has a very physical element to it and Els brings her sculptors eye into the technique of pouring. She works very large works and with complicated colour patterns. Els has a very good eye for creating large and complicated pieces. Pouring can be very messy and easily become muddy or an failed attempt, especially in the scale Els makes her work. The subtle yet complicated colour pieces attest to Els’s patience, skill and own keen eye.
Blue Quadrants Acrylic Pouring by Els Kampert
What are her artistic qualifications?
Els has never been to art school, but has always practiced art by following courses in painting, sculpting and even flower arrangement. She has been a sculptor these last fifteen years, following courses over the years by other artists and sculptors in Delft. In essence Els has apprenticed years with artists out of the Delft region. She combines this age old form of apprenticeship in person, with new age apprenticeship through online tutorials. Pouring has been an internet sensation these lasts years and Els is self-taught. She however brings decades of experience as a sculpture and a keen eye into her newest painting endeavor, which we whole heartedly enjoy at the gallery.
Smoke and Mirrors an Acrylic Pouring by Els Kampert
What does art mean to Els?
“Kunst maken geeft mij veel voldoening, het geeft een gevoel dat ik mij zelf prettig en fijn voel.” Translated; Making art gives me a lot of satisfaction, it gives me a way to feel good and comfortable about myself.
Being an artist is putting you and your work into the world, but art also gives back. The act of creating is cathartic as it is legitimizing practice, one we often forget about when talking about art and artists.
This is at the heart of most art, but in a post studio art world, we can still stand still at the essence of creation and simply stated.
Colour Movement an Acrylic Pouring by Els Kampert
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Lıeve lıeve Els en lıeve Willem,
Necati en ik zijn sinds 6 jaar in kuşadası, Turkiye.
We hebben mooıe herınneringen met jullıe. Necati is met pensıoen en zıjn terug . İk heb wat moeıjlijke jaren achter me gelaten. We willen jullıe heel graag weer zıen. İk heb zojuist met Christina gesproken en zei dat we jullie zo graag willen zıen maar geen huıs tel nr hebben. Ze zei dat ze voor ons gaat vragen. Ik heb via tel nrs en achternaam, jullıe huıs nr ingesproken. Weet nıet of jullie dat bericht hebben ontvangen. Lıeve Els, ik heb je schilderijen gezıen. Je bent een kunstenares, prachtig.
Hoe is het met de kinderen?
Hoop dat alles ok is met jullıe en hoop op een reactıe van jullıe.
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